ホーム > 地域・交流・観光 > 国際交流 > 国際交流活動 > ひょうごウクライナ避難民生活支援 > One Year Since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine(February 24, 2023)



One Year Since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine(February 24, 2023)

Today, February 24, 2023, marks one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Many
civilian lives have been claimed while the war drags on with no end in sight. Hyogo has
hosted 115 evacuees from Ukraine to date, and we understand that they must be
concerned with what their own future is going to be while also worried for their family and
friends back home as the evacuation is prolonged.

On March 10, 2022, the "Hyogo Ukraine Support Project—Hyogo Stands with Ukraine"
was established. Along with the free provision of prefectural public housing, we have also
been providing livelihood assistance, daily life support by coordinators, Japanese
language education, mental health care, etc., funded by approximately 74-million-yen
donation collected through the Hyogo Hometown Tax Incentive Program “Ukraine
Emergency Support Project” category. Moreover, more than 50 companies and
organizations have joined our public-private partnership platform, effectively enabling a
variety of assistance to evacuees living in the prefecture. I would like to take this
opportunity to express our gratitude for their kind support.

In light of the prolonged evacuation, we will continue to provide prefectural housing free
of charge and extend it for one year if desired. We will continue to provide livelihood
support tailored to the respective circumstances of the evacuees, and, in order for them
to live with as much peace of mind as possible, we will focus our efforts on building an
accommodating community for them going forward. We will also strengthen support for
Japanese language education, which is essential for daily life, and continue to provide
employment support in cooperation with the relevant organizations, including the Hyogo
Labour Bureau.

We also intend to launch a Ukraine Support Study Group in which we will leverage our
own recovery efforts from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake with the idea of "Build
Back Better."

Finally, on behalf of the people of Hyogo Prefecture, I pray that peace will return to
Ukraine as soon as possible.

Saito Motohiko
Governor of Hyogo Prefecture




